yesterday, someone told me that Westlife' Shane Filan sang Shayne Ward new single 'Beautiful in White' SOLO! OH MAN! on their lastest album, Mark also sang a song that FULL with his voice, no backing vocal from the others, PURE Mark! agghh. will they make a solo album?? They said that they aren't interested with that, but who knows??
Not sure if you know this
But when we first met
I got so nervous I couldn't speak
In that very moment
I found the one and
My life had found its missing piece
So as long as I live I love you
Will heaven hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
What we have is timeless
My love is endless
And with this scream I
Say to the world
You're my every reason you're all that I believe in
With all my heart I mean every world
So as long as I live I love you
Will heaven hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
oooh oh
You look so beautiful in white
Na na na na
So beautiful in white
And if our daughter's what our future holds
I hope she has your eyes
Finds love like you and I did
Yeah, I wish she falls in love and I will let her go
I'll walk her down the aisle
She'll look so beautiful in white
You look so beautiful in white
So as long as I live I love you
Will heaven hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white
You look so beautiful in white
- 28 September -
Keep your dream alive, dreaming is still how the strong survive
by Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Dionne Warwick
And I
Never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you
And if I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try to feel the way we do today
And than if you can't remember.....
Keep smilin' Keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me
for sure
that's what friends are for
In good times And bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Well you came and open me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you....
Ohhh and then
For the times when we're apart
Well just close your eyes and know
These words are comming from my heart
And then if you can't remember
potter puppet pals!
Me Myself and I
Tamara Indah Puspita was born in 1994 and that makes her almost 17 this year. She loves everything about Irish, a little bit photography and also abstract paintings, loves mix and match clothes on Looklet, lazing around in the internet world, loves biking and something challenging. Eventhough she loves challenging things, and that time also she’s scared of that. Haha. She’s trying to get rid of her water-phobic but haven’t done! Actually, she hasn’t known what she will be in the future, but she hopes that she will be an architect or a writer or a diplomat something like that. :)
Found me here! Twitter Photobucket Looklet Flickr!
well, I am almost 17 years old, aren't i?
ONE T TWO A THREE M FOUR A FIVE R SIX A SEVEN I EIGHT N NINE D TEN A ELEVEN H TWELVE type it randomly. THIRTEEN have no idea what to do. FOURTEEN what about you? FIFTEEN basically, just doing what i'm thinking
I wanna...
Firstly, be able draw some paintings, abstract paintings to be exact
Secondly, be someone who is her second language is English / Irish
Thirdly, be a writer or an architect or someone who's working abroad
Fourthly, have or experience everything I want
Fifthly, live happily
Dont have any, have no interest
Beautiful in White
20:19 - 28 April 2010
08:03 - 25 April 2010
smile though your heart is aching
smile eventhough it's breaking
when there are clouds, in the sky
you'll get by
if you smile through your fear and sorrows
smile, and maybe tomorrow
you'll see the sun come shining through, for you..
light up your face with gladness
hide every trace of sadness
although a tear maybe ever so near
that's the time you must keep on trying
smile what's the used of crying
you'll find that life is still worthwhile
if you just smile :)
smile eventhough it's breaking
when there are clouds, in the sky
you'll get by
if you smile through your fear and sorrows
smile, and maybe tomorrow
you'll see the sun come shining through, for you..
light up your face with gladness
hide every trace of sadness
although a tear maybe ever so near
that's the time you must keep on trying
smile what's the used of crying
you'll find that life is still worthwhile
if you just smile :)
Labels: lyrics
20:41 - 20 April 2010
Don't cha wish your boyfriend was hot like me
don't cha wish your boyfriend was freak like me
don't cha...don't you baby....don't cha..
ah ah ah
don't cha wish your boyfriend was raw like me
don't cha wish your boyfriend fun like me
don't cha...don't cha
Who's the choreographer??! OH MAN! made the fans melted with their dance! hahahhaaa dont cha wish your boyfriend was hot like me?? YEP! like you -___- de,de-de,de-de
Labels: fangirling
family tree *daydreaming*
21:24 - 19 April 2010
family tree. oposeng family tree?? eke tak mengarti apa itu pula. baik. capek terkadang belagak pake bhs inggris, jadi mr kita mencintai bhs Indonesia yg trkdg kita pun tdk trll mngrt apa itu mksdnya. Mari, kita mnjd wrg negara yg baik dan benar! mari ajarkan george, flant -?-, dan Omar! *apa Oman ya? itulah pokoknya*
OKE! Mari kita berhayal. sebetulnya, mnrt agama saya, berhayal itu TDK DIPERBOLEHKAN atau bhs gaol -__- nya itu FORBIDDEN atau NOT ALLOWED or whatever! but i'm the type of person that always imagine something that wudnt be happened! HA HA Ha. garing betul!
begini. hmmm. how to start?? well, I have SO MANY uncles and aunts. iam VERY PROUD to have them in my life *of course!* I love them like I love my own self. hehheee. they are so georgeous, smart, creative WHATEVER!
well, he's my OLDEST uncle! 33 is an old age -?- but, getting older, so he's getting more cool than before! yea. he's my mom's grandma's grandchild. when grandpa *HAHAHA* passed away last year, he tried to be as cool as usual like there wasn't something bad happen! I always call him as Uncle Byrne.
Uncle Filan. the youngest of 7! he's my pa's uncle's son's niece! a bit far -?- he's easy-going and always understand what I feel! *dudududu* he loves golf and football and never forget to ask me to be part of it! yea
YEA! another uncle I have! always call him as om Carter -__- sound like om om. tapi, dia tua tp dia sll seperti anak kecil yg suka bermain spt anak kecil -?- terkesan idiot -__- tp, krn begitu saya senang pd dia. *apa rasanya coba pny om kyk begini
here it is McFadden! ANOTHER UNCLE THAT I LOVE! as crazy as om Carter. loves party party party and party! he said that he wud have a wedding ceremony in Bali last christmast, but the plan was canceled. Ooouuu
UNCLE FEEHILY uyea! teman sejati McFadden. bangga saya punya om seperti dia. udh suaranya bagus, HEMAT lagi, tdk suka buang duit! *fakta hilang* hidung mancung, tampang sdkt arab, badan tinggi, pintar menguruskan badan serta pintar membesarkan badan! mengapa bisa?? saya pun bingung. setiap maen kerumah, pst bawa makanan yg banyak, makanya saya jd lebar kyk dia jg gini, huh! sebagai keponakan -___- saya krg bs mengerti om saya yg satu ini. senang sekali menyendiri! kangen pacar maklum
the most beautiful woman ever! ahhahaa. cinta saya sm tante yg ini. aunty Jodi. yuhhuuu. istrinya om Kian yg suka plin-plan. hr ini maunya begini, besok ganti lagi. tp bahagia nya, dia melakukan apa yg om Kian suruh! yea. tp saya ingin pny sepupu lagi.... *apalu
iki toh om Kian. enakan manggil om Egan. om EGANteng. bebebebebee. bingung saya dgn Om ku yg satu ini. bad temper trkdg orangnya. tp tak mslh. saya srg kena marah akibat tdk mau mandi! dia blg 'kamu itu jorok sekali! perempuan tuh hrs rajin mandi! ntar soang ngejar-ngejar loh' oke. dia ini terlalu perfectionis. pusing saya kl dia maen ke rmh. ngomen mulu ini itu. tp gak mslh juga. sering ngsh uang jajan! uyea
ini dia! tante Nadine ayangnya om Feehily! yes. lucunya bagaimana om tante saya ini bertemu. mau tahu bagaimana?? tp sebaiknya tdk usah. saya tdk sabar menunggu tante dan om saya menikah krn om saya ingin menikah tp sang tante mau nya nanti. mari ditunggu
yep. ini anaknya sepupu mami saya. baru pndh dia dr norgue. dia sangat mami bangga-banggakan gr2 karir dia sbg fotografer. tp beruntung jgsaya pnya sepupu spt dia, kl ada apa-apa tdk perlu MAHAL untuk bayar EO, cukup Kevin saja sdh cukup. hsl karya nya udh kemana-mana loch. hahha bangga saya
ini foto kakak saya yg prtm dgn pacarnya. JAHATNYA, saya tdk tahu siapa namanya. sok malu dasar itu orang sok-sokan gak mau ngenalin! tampilannya gothic gitu lagi. gara-gara itu dia, kakak gua srg pulang malem. jam 9 br pulang. tdk mslh sih, asal kl abang Jesse mau ngsh TIP buat saya. HAHHAAA. dia sll ngendap-ngendap masuk rumah takut mami papi marah. tp sayang sekali, anda bkn seorang mata-mata yg bagus bang! bljr lah pd james bond!
nah ini dia kakak saya yg terkahir. kami bertiga tdk ada yg mirip! bang Jesse blond, sdgkn saya dan kak David *HAHHAAA* hitam. tp tdk mslh juga sih. dia kakak plg baik yg prnh saya tahu! perhatian sm adeknya, apa-apa diturutin, nganterin kemana-mana. senang sekali. gak kyk itu si abang Jesse, kerjaan nya klayapan mulu, susah ditelpon,pelit pula.
dan orang penting mnurut saya adalah Hallio. dia adalah.... hehehe begitulah! maaf tdk bisa memberikan foto dia, dia tdk mengizinkan. belaga kyk artis dia gak mau diekspos dasar! pokoknya rambut item, idung mancung, bntk muka rada abstrak tp tampang konkret yea! tinggi, tp gak tinggi juga bgt. skrg dia lg tinggal di prancis, sayang sekali...
ini dia Kwon Ji Yong! suami teman saya. cinta sekali dia dgn suaminya, saya jg ingin. tp tdk mungkin saya menikah kl kakak saya saja belum menikah, bisa digorok saya sama Jess dan Archie. oh tidak! baru sekali saya ktmu dia, teman saya jrg bawa dia, syanag sekali. smg langgeng. oyeah!
*well, NOTE THIS! it's just an imagination so it's just a JOKE! dont take it too serious. if you do, so it's your fault and your risk. DONT'T EVER YOU DARE TO BLAME ME! everyone can imagine everything they want! thx*
OKE! Mari kita berhayal. sebetulnya, mnrt agama saya, berhayal itu TDK DIPERBOLEHKAN atau bhs gaol -__- nya itu FORBIDDEN atau NOT ALLOWED or whatever! but i'm the type of person that always imagine something that wudnt be happened! HA HA Ha. garing betul!
begini. hmmm. how to start?? well, I have SO MANY uncles and aunts. iam VERY PROUD to have them in my life *of course!* I love them like I love my own self. hehheee. they are so georgeous, smart, creative WHATEVER!
well, he's my OLDEST uncle! 33 is an old age -?- but, getting older, so he's getting more cool than before! yea. he's my mom's grandma's grandchild. when grandpa *HAHAHA* passed away last year, he tried to be as cool as usual like there wasn't something bad happen! I always call him as Uncle Byrne.
Uncle Filan. the youngest of 7! he's my pa's uncle's son's niece! a bit far -?- he's easy-going and always understand what I feel! *dudududu* he loves golf and football and never forget to ask me to be part of it! yea
YEA! another uncle I have! always call him as om Carter -__- sound like om om. tapi, dia tua tp dia sll seperti anak kecil yg suka bermain spt anak kecil -?- terkesan idiot -__- tp, krn begitu saya senang pd dia. *apa rasanya coba pny om kyk begini
here it is McFadden! ANOTHER UNCLE THAT I LOVE! as crazy as om Carter. loves party party party and party! he said that he wud have a wedding ceremony in Bali last christmast, but the plan was canceled. Ooouuu
UNCLE FEEHILY uyea! teman sejati McFadden. bangga saya punya om seperti dia. udh suaranya bagus, HEMAT lagi, tdk suka buang duit! *fakta hilang* hidung mancung, tampang sdkt arab, badan tinggi, pintar menguruskan badan serta pintar membesarkan badan! mengapa bisa?? saya pun bingung. setiap maen kerumah, pst bawa makanan yg banyak, makanya saya jd lebar kyk dia jg gini, huh! sebagai keponakan -___- saya krg bs mengerti om saya yg satu ini. senang sekali menyendiri! kangen pacar maklum
the most beautiful woman ever! ahhahaa. cinta saya sm tante yg ini. aunty Jodi. yuhhuuu. istrinya om Kian yg suka plin-plan. hr ini maunya begini, besok ganti lagi. tp bahagia nya, dia melakukan apa yg om Kian suruh! yea. tp saya ingin pny sepupu lagi.... *apalu
iki toh om Kian. enakan manggil om Egan. om EGANteng. bebebebebee. bingung saya dgn Om ku yg satu ini. bad temper trkdg orangnya. tp tak mslh. saya srg kena marah akibat tdk mau mandi! dia blg 'kamu itu jorok sekali! perempuan tuh hrs rajin mandi! ntar soang ngejar-ngejar loh' oke. dia ini terlalu perfectionis. pusing saya kl dia maen ke rmh. ngomen mulu ini itu. tp gak mslh juga. sering ngsh uang jajan! uyea
ini dia! tante Nadine ayangnya om Feehily! yes. lucunya bagaimana om tante saya ini bertemu. mau tahu bagaimana?? tp sebaiknya tdk usah. saya tdk sabar menunggu tante dan om saya menikah krn om saya ingin menikah tp sang tante mau nya nanti. mari ditunggu
yep. ini anaknya sepupu mami saya. baru pndh dia dr norgue. dia sangat mami bangga-banggakan gr2 karir dia sbg fotografer. tp beruntung jgsaya pnya sepupu spt dia, kl ada apa-apa tdk perlu MAHAL untuk bayar EO, cukup Kevin saja sdh cukup. hsl karya nya udh kemana-mana loch. hahha bangga saya
ini foto kakak saya yg prtm dgn pacarnya. JAHATNYA, saya tdk tahu siapa namanya. sok malu dasar itu orang sok-sokan gak mau ngenalin! tampilannya gothic gitu lagi. gara-gara itu dia, kakak gua srg pulang malem. jam 9 br pulang. tdk mslh sih, asal kl abang Jesse mau ngsh TIP buat saya. HAHHAAA. dia sll ngendap-ngendap masuk rumah takut mami papi marah. tp sayang sekali, anda bkn seorang mata-mata yg bagus bang! bljr lah pd james bond!
nah ini dia kakak saya yg terkahir. kami bertiga tdk ada yg mirip! bang Jesse blond, sdgkn saya dan kak David *HAHHAAA* hitam. tp tdk mslh juga sih. dia kakak plg baik yg prnh saya tahu! perhatian sm adeknya, apa-apa diturutin, nganterin kemana-mana. senang sekali. gak kyk itu si abang Jesse, kerjaan nya klayapan mulu, susah ditelpon,pelit pula.
dan orang penting mnurut saya adalah Hallio. dia adalah.... hehehe begitulah! maaf tdk bisa memberikan foto dia, dia tdk mengizinkan. belaga kyk artis dia gak mau diekspos dasar! pokoknya rambut item, idung mancung, bntk muka rada abstrak tp tampang konkret yea! tinggi, tp gak tinggi juga bgt. skrg dia lg tinggal di prancis, sayang sekali...
ini dia Kwon Ji Yong! suami teman saya. cinta sekali dia dgn suaminya, saya jg ingin. tp tdk mungkin saya menikah kl kakak saya saja belum menikah, bisa digorok saya sama Jess dan Archie. oh tidak! baru sekali saya ktmu dia, teman saya jrg bawa dia, syanag sekali. smg langgeng. oyeah!
*well, NOTE THIS! it's just an imagination so it's just a JOKE! dont take it too serious. if you do, so it's your fault and your risk. DONT'T EVER YOU DARE TO BLAME ME! everyone can imagine everything they want! thx*
Labels: dreams, fangirling
22:57 - 17 April 2010
We have to be mature and do things like what it's supposed to be!
Labels: quotes
23:41 - 16 April 2010
fan's pics
some pics that I love the most from the fans! well, let's say they are so lucky, have some chances to meet them personally, face to face. THAT'S WHAT I DREAM OF! hahaha. esp Jacqui Garner. she's so lucky lucky lucky! more than lucky i think. aggghh. someday maybe. hmm
Labels: fangirling
westlife blog : Mark
20:22 - 15 April 2010
Hi Guys...
It's been a while but thats only because we have been busy putting the WHERE WE ARE tour together! We will be performing songs from our latest album plus all the geats too...we have put modern twists of some of the older ones to shine them up and they are sounding splendid! Its all coming together so get yourself down to the gig if youre not already going anyway!
It's gonna be a blast, look forward to seeing you there!
In other news, we were shocked to hear that the ACTUAL location for our 'What About Now' video is no longer there! It was a massive glacier in Iceland and as a result of a recent volcanic eruption it has gone! Wow scary!
See you soon,
Mark x
the 'What about now' is gone now. arrggghhh actually, I love the view where they shot their video! aggghhh. and have to thankGod that the eruption didn't happen when they shot their MV. yea!
maybe, the reason why he hasn't updated his page because he's TOO busy with the upcoming tour! but, at least he just needs to open the echofon then just tweet a tweet! just A TWEET! agh!
SO, if you say that we should come to the concert, and as you know it's IMPOSSIBLE that I can come to the UK, so make a CONCERT here in INDONESIA. make your fans happy and as proud as you! cmon! or maybe at least, you dont have to make a concert, but you COME to JAKARTA with your BF and your mates not go to BALI! it doesn't matter if you visit Bali, but it's way too far from where I live! hahhaa
Labels: messages
Hard to say I'm sorry.
everybody needs a little time away
I heard her say, from each other
even lovers need a holiday
far away, from each other
hold me now
it's hard for me to say I'm sorry
I just want you to stay
after all that we've been through
I will make it up to you
I promise to
and after all that's been said and done
you're just a part of me I can't let go
couldn't stand to be kept away
just for the day, from your body
wouldn't want to be swept away
far away, from the one that I love
hold me now
it's hard for me to say I'm sorry
I just want you to know
hold me now
I'm really wanna tell you I'm sorry
I could never let you go
You're gonna be the lucky one.....
De, de-de,de-de...
I heard her say, from each other
even lovers need a holiday
far away, from each other
hold me now
it's hard for me to say I'm sorry
I just want you to stay
after all that we've been through
I will make it up to you
I promise to
and after all that's been said and done
you're just a part of me I can't let go
couldn't stand to be kept away
just for the day, from your body
wouldn't want to be swept away
far away, from the one that I love
hold me now
it's hard for me to say I'm sorry
I just want you to know
hold me now
I'm really wanna tell you I'm sorry
I could never let you go
You're gonna be the lucky one.....
De, de-de,de-de...
Labels: lyrics
20:16 - 13 April 2010
i deleted or maybe DEACTIVATED my account on Twitter. i have deleted it last January but i restored it again because i saw Mark's last update was 8 minutes ago -___- I missed him, yes to be honest. but yesterday, it was so easy to click 'deactivated account'. OH MAN! i don't know why. i did it without a doubt then I checked my email then then, it happened so fast that i culdnt restore it T.T i was panicked and till now i am panicked. my memories with lot of people gone with just ONE CLICK! my memories with the people I love, but now it's gone. the memories when they replied my tweets, the memories when i was high above the sky, was so happy when they tweeted me back. esp when Mark Feehily RT me, but now it's gone.. was so happy when Adam McGarry Byrne *Nicky's bro* replied my tweets, when Brian McFadden RT my tweet, when Sissy Priscillia *i dont know how to write her name* replied my tweets, when Christian Sugiono replied my tweet, when Jodi Albert replied me, and now it's gone with just one click. . Jodi has deleted her account too, and i miss her so bad. and Mark hasn't updated his page too and his lastest update was for me but it's invisible on his page but i can see his update from my favourites but now it's gone... i know if i am redundant, but those moment made me so happy and forget about some sad stories from my life *lalallaaa*
then, i searched my name tonight on Twitter, then the person i've just have known sent me 3 tweets.
those tweets make me... yes I miss my imaginary world when i was in twitterland! being with my friends who has the same preferences. talked with them, went to the imaginary world and it's not healthy in every ways! And the most important thing is I MISS MY HALLIOFEE! HallioFee. aggghhhh. oke. this case get me so panic and shock, so let's FORGET IT! T.T
will give Mark Feehily his birthday present via someone's account. hhehee lend me that please...
then, i searched my name tonight on Twitter, then the person i've just have known sent me 3 tweets.
those tweets make me... yes I miss my imaginary world when i was in twitterland! being with my friends who has the same preferences. talked with them, went to the imaginary world and it's not healthy in every ways! And the most important thing is I MISS MY HALLIOFEE! HallioFee. aggghhhh. oke. this case get me so panic and shock, so let's FORGET IT! T.T
will give Mark Feehily his birthday present via someone's account. hhehee lend me that please...
Labels: daily
ekhem. -__-
11:31 - 11 April 2010
23:43 - 10 April 2010
from the lovely Nihlah Chalidah, and wanna give this to Chairinnisa Zakira who loves to hear my story.. thx
Labels: Unc
was inspired by the lovely GD' fan Marconiplax lalallaa *forget the name*. the bolds are the truth about me! here we go::
The Beatles.
True Blood.
Demi Lovato.
Miley Cyrus.
Selena Gomez.
Taylor Swift.
Perez Hilton.
Cold weather.
Adam Lambert.
The Killers.
Jay Leno.
Conan O’Brien.
Craig Ferguson.
John Lennon.
Jennifer Aniston.
Marriage Equality.
Michael Buble.
My hometown.
Proper spelling.
Proper grammar.
Saturday Night Live.
Stem Cell Research.
Green movement.
Adopting animals.
Jimmy Fallon.
Learning new languages.
David Bowie.
Horror books.
Fantasy books.
Disney Channel Shows.
Being pale.
I am a cuddler.
I am a morning person.
I am an only child.
I am currently in my pajamas.
I am currently pregnant.
I am currently single.
I am currently suffering from a broken heart.
I am left handed.
I am married.
I am addicted to my MySpace.
I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
I am a little shy around the opposite gender at first.
I bite my nails.
I can be paranoid at times.
I don’t like anyone.
I enjoy country music.
I enjoy jazz music.
I have a tendency to fall for the “wrong” guy/girl.
I have all my grandparents
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor.
I have or had broken a bone.
I have bathed someone.
I have changed a lot over the past year.
I have done something illegal.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I have rejected someone before.
I have seen the television show The O.C.
I have seen The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
I like the taste of blood.
I love Michael Jackson.
I love sleeping.
I love to play computer games.
I love to shop.
I own 100 CDs or more.
I own and use a library card.
I read books for pleasure in my spare time.
I sleep a lot during the day.
I strongly dislike math.
I watch soap operas on a regular basis.
I work at a job that I enjoy.
I would classify myself as ghetto.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
I am currently wearing socks.
I am tired.
I love to paint/draw/sketch/sculpt.
I consume at least 1 alcoholic drink every month
I have a screen name.
I have/had
Graduated high school.
Kissed someone.
Rode every ride at an amusement park.
Collected something really stupid.
Gone to a rock concert.
Helped someone.
Gone fishing.
Spun turn tables.
Watched four movies in one night.
Been dumped.
Failed a class.
Dealt drugs.
Taken a college level course.
Been in a car accident.
Been in a tornado.
Done hard drugs (i.e. ecstasy, heroin, crack, meth, acid).
Watched someone die.
Been to a funeral.
Burned yourself.
Ran a marathon.
Your parents got divorced.
Cried yourself to sleep.
Spent over $200 in one day. (well £s)
Cheated on someone.
Been cheated on.
Written a 10 page letter.
Gone skiing.
Been sailing.
Had a best friend.
Lost someone you loved.
Shoplifted something.
Been to jail.
Had detention.
Skipped school.
Got in trouble for something you didn’t do.
that's all :)
that's all :)
Labels: Unc
Jodi Albert - Nadine Coyle
19:19 - 8 April 2010
do you know who they are?? maybe some of you don't know them, but i know them! hahaha. well, on the left is Jodi Albert and on the right is Nadine Coyle. and I think, they have similar face!! do you agree with me?? I hope so. They are so lovely and beautiful HAHHAA. They are my victims in some fictions *hehe*, and of course, in some fictions, they are M's GF or wife *oh man!* oke. here's their details...:
Actually, I don't know her much, so it's a lil bit hard to describe her. the main thing is I love her, I mean love not 'love', but as her fan. and she's beautiful too. *_*
Jodi Albert is an English model, singer, and actress. She played at Hollyoaks as Debbie Dean. She's Kian Egan's wife. yea his WIFE! so I always feel so guilty when she is in my imaginary world *so sorry Kian, but but agh!* She's in a girl band now who is managed by her husby *Ooouu so sweet!* and they are making their album and will release the album this year. and SHE HAS REPLIED MY TWEET! 0.0 hahha I was so happy and of course SHOCKED! hoho.
the main thing is.... I want someone like them to be his WIFE! huh. have to wait till the moment come. it would be the happiest moment in my life apart from my own marriage or my own dreams which is have become true. Oke then... x
*i think I'm a desperate fangirl -__-
Nadine Coyle.
Nadine Coyle is an Irish girl *hoho* was born on June 15th, 1985. She is a singer (member of Girls Aloud), songwriter, and an actress. And also, she's working on her solo carreer. And, what else?? OK. for me, she's beautiful. But isn't as beautiful as Jodi hehe. She (and the rest of her band) had some things to do with my lovely guys, Westlife. Hmmmm and of course, she's M' friend! hahahaa. that's the thing why I chose her to be in my imaginary world! but, M and N aren't too romantic like what M and J did! hahhaaa.
some pics about Nadine Coyle
Actually, I don't know her much, so it's a lil bit hard to describe her. the main thing is I love her, I mean love not 'love', but as her fan. and she's beautiful too. *_*
Jodi Albert is an English model, singer, and actress. She played at Hollyoaks as Debbie Dean. She's Kian Egan's wife. yea his WIFE! so I always feel so guilty when she is in my imaginary world *so sorry Kian, but but agh!* She's in a girl band now who is managed by her husby *Ooouu so sweet!* and they are making their album and will release the album this year. and SHE HAS REPLIED MY TWEET! 0.0 hahha I was so happy and of course SHOCKED! hoho.
some pics about Jodi Albert
the main thing is.... I want someone like them to be his WIFE! huh. have to wait till the moment come. it would be the happiest moment in my life apart from my own marriage or my own dreams which is have become true. Oke then... x
*i think I'm a desperate fangirl -__-
Labels: fangirling, reviews
2 vids that make me..... yea!
one of my friend in WLindo said that Nadine Coyle looks like Jodi Albert, then i respond it so we're having a lil chat about Mark and Nadine, because i've told her about that before *but maybe she's forget* then I'm thinking about them since few weeks ago and have edited some photos -__- . She told me about this signing and gave me the link. here's the vid:
then, I'm trying to find another vid, so I found this one but haven't seen it full when I'm writing this post. i don't know what it's like, but westlife&GA were involved. hahha hoping something 'good' happen between them. hoho *smirk
hmmmmm x
and here it is! THE NEW VID I FOUND. it's an old one, but it made me happy. HAHHAA.
then, I'm trying to find another vid, so I found this one but haven't seen it full when I'm writing this post. i don't know what it's like, but westlife&GA were involved. hahha hoping something 'good' happen between them. hoho *smirk
hmmmmm x
and here it is! THE NEW VID I FOUND. it's an old one, but it made me happy. HAHHAA.
Labels: fangirling
11:58 - 7 April 2010
well, the countries i posted on here are not on the list. so, let's change the possibilities and I'm excited with these 3 countries. let's check it out..:
Switzerland is located at the heart of Western Europe. The swiss love to have pets in their house, 90% of Swiss family have dog or cat. This country looks like New Zealand. I don't know why, I think because of the farm. hahaha remember about my friend's words 'wanna go to New Zealand and see those cute cows' -__- oh MAN! but no problem, it's nice. hahhaa sorry
It looks like Iceland, i said that becs of that Aurora! hhaa. The houses like Irish's. hoho. and norway is where the lovely Kevin McDaid grew up *eh? or just the place he was born?? agh forget* love it :)
actually, i really wanna go to Norway but but... UK is the most i really wanna visit :( maybe next time.. hoho. When i become a dentist, i promise my self to go to London by my own money. YEAH! x
source : AFS Intercultural Programs
1. Germany
Germany, is located in the heart of Europe. They love their culture, so we have to speak German if we want to live in Germany. The germans are hardworker, and they are very interested to talk about politics, culture, environments, or sport. I think Germany is quite interesting. I love its view, so beautiful. *actually, i don't know much about this country, so i don't know how to explain it*
2. Switzerland
Switzerland is located at the heart of Western Europe. The swiss love to have pets in their house, 90% of Swiss family have dog or cat. This country looks like New Zealand. I don't know why, I think because of the farm. hahaha remember about my friend's words 'wanna go to New Zealand and see those cute cows' -__- oh MAN! but no problem, it's nice. hahhaa sorry
3. Norway
It looks like Iceland, i said that becs of that Aurora! hhaa. The houses like Irish's. hoho. and norway is where the lovely Kevin McDaid grew up *eh? or just the place he was born?? agh forget* love it :)
actually, i really wanna go to Norway but but... UK is the most i really wanna visit :( maybe next time.. hoho. When i become a dentist, i promise my self to go to London by my own money. YEAH! x
source : AFS Intercultural Programs
Labels: dreams
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